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This channel put video remove pimples not for monetize but for health and beauty .
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About pimples .
.. What causes pimples?

A pimple is a small pustule or papule. Pimples develop when sebaceous glands, or oil glands, become clogged and infected, leading to swollen, red lesions filled with pus.
Also known as spots or zits, pimples are a part of acne. They are most likely to occur around puberty, but they can happen at any age.

During puberty, hormone production changes. This can cause the sebaceous glands, located at the base of hair follicles, to become overactive. As a result, pimples are most likely to occur during the teenage years and around menstruation, for women.

Pimples most often affect the face, back, chest, and shoulders. This is because there are many sebaceous glands in these areas of skin.

Acne vulgaris, the main cause of pimples, affects over 80 percent of teenagers. After the age of 25 years, it affects 3 percent of men and 12 percent of women.

Fast facts on pimples.
Here are some key points about pimples. More detail is in the main article.
Pimples range in severity, from blackheads to cysts.
They happen when the sebaceous glands become more active, dead skin cells clog the pores, and sometimes an infection develops.
Pimples often occur in adolescence, but they can affect people at any age.
There is not enough evidence to confirm that any food causes acne, but following a healthful diet may reduce the risk.
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We are not a specialized clinic, we only reproduce the best videos in a serie about acne treatment.
This procedure was done by Gà SPA.

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Nós não somos uma clínica especializada, apenas reproduzimos os melhores vídeos em uma série sobre tratamento de acne.

Este procedimento foi realizado por Gà SPA.

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No somos una clínica especializada, sólo reproducimos los mejores videos en una serie sobre tratamiento del acné.

Gracias por ver el EP 02 de la serie: Tratamiento del Acne.

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