Everyone wants to stay young forever and everyone asks me what is the best cream for skin tightening. So if you look as ageing a process, it is not just loosening of the skin that contribute s to the aging. Aging happens at many levels from the outside to the inside, the epidermis the dermis, the fat, muscle and then the bone. So aging happens at every level. So at the epidermis or the outer skin surface the skin aging looks like there is slight pigmentation but at the dermis level you starts developing the fine wrinkles and then at the fat level you start developing hollowness of the eyes , hollowness around the lips and then you start developing the secular developed lines which are the smile lines around the eyes or the frown lines on the forehead and you get the by deformities because of aging and you get more skin lacking. So if you imagine that a cream will be giving you a result for all this of course it is not right. So when you talk about skin tightening, you are talking about loosening that is happening in the dermis mostly or in the subcutaneous range and in this the treatment of choice would be better to do a thread lift or a filler treatment to reposition the fat in this area or to do radiofrequency or to do a n ultrasound based skin tightening treatment, so there are many such devices that are available in the market and a gold standard equipments are there. These increase the collagen the deposition in the skin and are anchoring the skin better. They are best suited within the lines have just started to develop when between the ages of 35 to maybe 50 to 55. After 60 these treatments become more difficult to deliver because the amount of collagen the skin can develop post the treatment also can decrease.